Entsailatu aurretik ezin zaigu falta
sagardoa eskuan ta Katutik pasa,
a zer desilusioa mugikorra hartzean
ta Antoniok ez dela etorriko esan digunean.
Dena dena dena arazoak dira,
beti beti beti dantzazu ska,
dena dena dena arazoak dira,
beti beti beti, Skabidean!!
Think about that
Baratzean biltzen duzuna,
dagoeneko kaltegarria.
Barridearen pestizidak,
inguruan barreiatuta.
Think about that,
think about the world,
some do/will, some don't/won't.
Erraustegia sortu beharra,
erraz ekiditen ahal da.
Zure alferkeria baino lehenago,
zaborra denon ardura da.
Zerua ez denean ikusten,
hodeiak direla ustez.
Fabrikaz dena bete ziguten,
ta dena egongo da ustel.
Geure gustura ta gure gisara,
lurra antolatzen utzi.
Gaurko bizimodutik urrun,
behar dugulako bizi.
Pipi es muy guapa, Pipi es feliz,
Pipi tiene porros, JB y speed.
Cuando le apetece se hace un par de petas,
y si se apalanca, ¡dos o tres anfetas!
Cuando el señor Wilson se pone enfermo,
una sobredosis de ibuprofeno.
Joder cómo come el caballo de Pipi,
en las zanahorias, ¡le han metido un tripi!
Tommy y Anica se venden en la calle,
con sus cuerpos yonkis no los quiere nadie.
El viejo de Pipi vive en el mar,
cuando pisa tierra, ¡no sale del bar!
Ten cuidado Pipi, no te drogues más,
ya sabes de sobra que no hay vuelta atrás.
Pipi anarkista, Pipi "¿Qué más da?",
Pipi ya sin vida, ¡¿A quién le va a importar?!
Police Woman
Last Monday I saw you while I was walking down the street, you were down there, hitting all my people with a stick. Since the first day I've had it even much more clear, I'd rather be in jail, to see you, although (that way) I'm not (wouldn't be) free.
Police woman, I feel in love and I don't mind whatever you are.
As fast (as) I knew the inspector was flirting with you, I noticed that I'd better become something new. I see your beauty has clouded my view, it's late for me, I've been kicked out from my crew.
My Flame (Youtube)
The time has flown since the first steps,
but I still am what I used to be,
as my people hang in there with loyalty.
Now everybody sullies in my name,
in their vain attempt to get some fame,
but they’ll never get to appropriate my flame.
Baby, return and dance inside me.
Where are you?
Despite best moments, being gone,
it is still too early for our sundown,
stand up friend, you are not alone!
Will be taken the rhythm of the slain,
the stars will shine in the night again,
and will be listened the original strains.
Andia mendi mendi handi,
arte baso eta pagadi,
Irantzu ibaia herriz herri ur berrien mezulari.
Gari eta garagar soro,
Gari eta garagar soro,
mahasti eta olibondo,
eskuzabalago den lur askorik ez da egongo.
Deierri, herri txikiok handi egiten dugun harana.
Deierri, harro bizitzeko arazorik ez duen harana.
Deierri, harro bizitzeko arazorik ez duen harana.
Herri txikiak hemeretzi,
herri txiki eta berezi,
herri txikiotan bizitzeak baduelako merezi.
Euskaraz herrien izenak,
Euskaraz herrien izenak,
euskaraz abizen gehienak,
euskaraz ezin al du bizi hemen bizi nahi duenak?